It is mustahab not to cut nails and hair during ten days of alhajamonth. Is it for those who have tosacrifice or for all adults. Secondary , can we have sexual intercourse with wife during these ten days.
asked Jun 30, 2022 in Hajj & Umrah by haroon rashid

1 Answer

Ref. No. 1898/43-1786

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

It is mustahab only for those who intend to sacrifice not to cut their nails and hair during these ten days. And the adults who are not obliged to sacrifice can cut their hair and nails like normal days. (2) It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with one's wife during these ten days.

And Allah knows best


Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband


answered Jul 3, 2022 by Darul Ifta