Respected hadrath, is the four rakat sunnah before isha fardh salah is proven by the prophet (sallalahualaihi wasallam) or his companions? If yes plz provide the reference of hadith.
Jazakallahu khair.
asked Oct 10, 2019 in Prayer / Friday & Eidain prayers by Asif

1 Answer

Ref. No. 41/852

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

نقل فی الاختیار عن عائشۃ رضی اللہ عنہا انہ علیہ السلام  کان یصلی قبل العشاء اربعا ثم یصلی بعدھا اربعا ثم یضطجع۔ ونقلہ عنہ ایضا فی امداد الفتاح ثم قال : وذکر  فی المحیط ان تطوع قبل العصر باربع و قبل العشاء باربع فحسن، لان النبی ﷺ لم یواظب علیھا۔ (البحر الرائق 2/88 زکریا بکڈپو دیوبند)۔

It shows that the prophet of Allah (saws) performed four rakats before Isha, though he didn’t performed it on a regular basis. Thus the Islamic scholars regard it as  Mustahab and sunnate Ghair muakkadah (optional prayer).


And Allah knows best



Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

answered Oct 23, 2019 by Darul Ifta