Assalamu alaikum Shaikh,
May Allah bless you. There is a issue which is my cousin had suckled 2 (sure) or 3 (not sure) times my mother's breastmilk. And now my family want to arrange a marriage between us. I've told them it is not lawful as per Islam. They show me some youtube videos where some respected scholars told that it is required minimum 5 times for established relation through breastmilk. Now I don’t know what should I do.
NB: my cousin was married before and then divorced
Please pray for me and tell me what should I do and what is the lawful path according to our Islam. I need your advice and fotwaa regarding this issue.
asked Jan 19 in Marriage (Nikah) by Ajmul Fuad

1 Answer

Ref. No. 2790/45-4346

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

According to Hanafi Fiqh, if milk is fed once and even a little bit of milk goes down the child's throat, the ruling of breastfeeding will apply. The arguments of the Hanafi Fiqh have been explained in detail in the concerned books, for example, Allah Almighty has said, "And your mothers who fed you”, in this verse it has been said that a woman becomes a mother by breastfeeding, so any woman who breastfeeds, even once, is a foster mother in case the breastfeeding is made within the period of breastfeeding.

In response to the other scholars who make it a condition to suck milk five times at least and narrate the hadith, Hanafi scholars say that it has been revoked, so Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) says: “People say that one time breast-feeding does not bring hurmat." This was the case earlier, then this ruling was abrogated. Similarly, Hazrat Abdullah bin Masoud (RA) says that at the end, the ruling on breastfeeding was upheld on whether breastfeeding is more or less, the hurmat will apply.

"قال (قليل الرضاع وكثيره سواء إذا حصل في مدة الرضاع تعلق به التحريم) وفي الشرع: مص الرضيع اللبن من ثدي الآدمية في وقت مخصوصأي مدة الرضاع المختلف في تقديرها (قوله قليل الرضاع وكثيره سواء إذا تحقق في مدة الرضاع تعلق به التحريم)." فتح القدیر كتاب الرضاع، ج:3، ص:438، ط:دار الفكر)

"قليل الرضاع وكثيره إذا حصل في مدة الرضاع تعلق به التحريم كذا في الهداية. قال في الينابيع: والقليل مفسر بما يعلم أنه وصل إلى الجوف كذا في السراج الوهاج." ( الھندیۃ، كتاب الرضاع، ج:1، ص:342، ط:دار الفكر بيروت)

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

answered Jan 24 by Darul Ifta