I had required degree  and qualification for the particular job. 3 person are shortlisted for 1 job which has to finalised by interviewing.
During that period my age was 25 I did not had much knowledge about bribery is sin and all ,as it was my young age I just wanted that job.
but when going for intreiw for qualified job I requested middle man that   I required this  job.  he asked to pay bribe which I did not that have that time I took 2 years pay full bribe money to the middle man.
Evey candidates  gone through legal selection  procedure and I got selected for that job.
That job is teacher for collage.
My question is
 Is the income earned by this job is haram
I repented lot fo this and asked forgiveness in Allah ..
asked Jun 2, 2021 in Business & employment by MI

1 Answer

Ref. No. 1429/42-865

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

Bribery is forbidden in Sharia. If you are qualified for this job and carry out your assigned duties well, then your pay is halal. And if you are not able to discharge the obligation, but you were selected on the basis of bribe, then the income will not be halal. There will also be the sin of depriving others of their rights.

ووجه آخر من الرشوة وهو الذي يرشو السلطان لدفع ظلمه عنه فهذه الرشوة محرمة على آخذها غير محظورة على معطيها وروي عن جابر بن زيد والشعبي قالا لا بأس بأن يصانع الرجل عن نفسه وماله إذا خاف الظلم وعن عطاء وإبراهيم مثله.

وروى هشام عن الحسن قال لعن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الراشي والمرتشي.

قال الحسن: ليحقّ باطلًا أو يبطل حقًّا فأما أن تدفع عن مالك فلا بأس، و قال يونس عن الحسن: لا بأس أن يعطي الرجل من ماله ما يصون به عرضه. و روى عثمان بن الأسود عن مجاهد قال: اجعل مالك جنة دون دينك ولاتجعل دينك جنة دون مالك. وروى سفيان عن عمرو عن أبي الشعثاء قال: لم نجد زمن زياد شيئًا أنفع لنا من الرشا، فهذا الذي رخص فيه السلف إنما هو في دفع الظلم عن نفسه بما يدفعه إلى من يريد ظلمه أو انتهاك عرضه."(احکام القرآن للجصاص، سورۃ المائدۃ آیت نمبر 44)

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

answered Jun 14, 2021 by Darul Ifta