I got married my daughter to a muslim gentle man. After marriage leaving with each other about three months , during this period no physical relationship could be established between them. My daughter felt about her husband to be impotent and her husband always tried to remain on false ground. In the above circumstances please send me your Sharai openion whether nikah stands valid or not. Before Nikah the husband concealed the facts of his being impotence.
asked Jan 28 in Islamic Creed (Aqaaid) by jasfatwa

1 Answer

Ref. No. 2809/45-4382

In the name of Allah the most Grciosut the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

The marriage was valid and it remains valid till date, but if the wife wants to separate from him, she can get divorce or khula from the husband. However, if the husband is not ready for divorce or does not accept Khula, she can consult a nearby Darul-Qaza for a better solution.

وَلاَ یَحِلُّ لَکُمْ اَنْ تَأْخُذُوْا مِمَّا اٰتَیْتُمُوْہُنَّ شَیْئًا اِلاَّ اَنْ یَّخَافَا اَلاَّ یُقِیْمَا حُدُوْدَ اللّٰہِ  فَاِنْ خِفْتُمْ اَلاَّ یُقِیْمَا حُدُوْدَ اللّٰہِ فَلاَ جُنَاحَ عَلَیْہِمَا فِیْمَا افْتَدَتْ بِہٖ  تِلْکَ حُدُوْدُ اللّٰہِ فَلاَ تَعْتَدُوْہَا  وَمَنْ یَتَعَدَّ حُدُوْدَ اللّٰہِ فَاُولٰٓـئِکَ ہُمُ الظَّالِمُوْنَ ۔ ( البقرۃ : ۲۲۹)

"هو ازالة ملك االنكاح بلفظ الخلع المتوقفة علي قبولها بلفظ الخلع أو مافي معناه.....(وهو يمين في جانبه) لأنه تعليق الطلاق بقبول المال (فلا يصح رجوعه) عنه (قبل قبولها، ولا يصح شرط الخيار له، ولا يقتصر على المجلس) أي مجلسه، ويقتصر قبولها على مجلس علمها (وفي جانبها معاوضة) بمال (فصح رجوعها) قبل قبوله (و) صح (شرط الخيار لها) ولو أكثر من ثلاثة أيام بحر (ويقتصر على المجلس) كالبيع." (شامی، كتاب الطلاق، باب الخلع ،فائدة في شرط قبول الخلع و الفاظه،ج: 3، ص: 443، ط: سعيد)

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband


answered Jan 31 by Darul Ifta