User classstorm5

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About: How to Drain a Washing Machine
Do you have a problem with your washing machine not draining properly? A lot of laundry can make this a very frustrating problem to deal with. It is possible to manually drain your washing machine so that you can safely and effectively troubleshoot your machine. Our company Candu Plumbing provides high quality plumbing services for residential and commercial clients in California and Arizona, including laundry room plumbing maintenance and repair. Below you'll find some tips and tricks for successfully draining your washing machine, and what you can do to get back to your regular routine as soon as possible.

Supplies and tools you need on hand
We begin by gathering the supplies we need for the task. Listed below are the items you will need:
Owners Manual
Needle-nose Pliers
Plumbers Snake
Five Gallon Bucket or Large Container
Shallow Container for Front-Loading Machines

How to Drain a Top Loading Washer Manually
Make sure the lid is closed before working on the machine. The lid must be locked down or down for the container to drain or spin. A malfunctioning lid switch could be the cause of your draining issue. Try manually pressing the lid to see if this triggers the draining of the machine. Continue with the next step if not. It is necessary to turn off the circuit breaker for the laundry room first. Inaccurate completion of this step can result in personal injury or property damage. Shut off the water supply to the area as well to prevent flooding if an error is made. If you're sure it's safe to continue, place a pile of dry towels around the washing machine's base to catch spills as you work. On the back of the washing machine is the drain hose. In most cases, the hoses are color coded: red is for hot water, blue is for cold water, with gray markings for the drain hose. Remove the drain hose and allow the water to flow into a bucket. Drain the water into a bathtub or sink and reconnect the hose. Then, repeat the process until the machine is empty.

Techniques for Draining a Front-Loading Washing Machine
Typical front-loading washing machines utilize a drainpipe filter or hose, which is usually found near the bottom of the machine. There should be instructions in the owner's manual on how to locate and open it. Follow the same safety precautions and ensure that the electricity and water have been turned off. Grab a shallow baking dish or another container you've chosen and pour the water into it as soon as you're sure it is safe to do so. After it is full, turn the filter knob to the closed position or replace the hose. Repeat the process until the washer is empty. Then, remove the contents of the washer from the nearby sink or bathtub.

Is Your Washing Machine Needing Repairs? Call Candu Plumbing Today
Have you tried draining your washing machine manually, but you still have problems? We understand that your time is precious. We want to make sure your laundry plumbing issues are taken care of so you can focus on other important tasks. Call the experts at Candu Plumbing. We have a team of certified, licensed and insured plumbers ready to solve your plumbing problems quickly and accurately. If you would like to learn more or schedule an appointment, don't hesitate to contact our office.

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