Assalamualaikum, If anyone gets job by giving bribe, will his job and salary be haram????
Jajakallah khair.
asked Jul 28, 2020 in Miscellaneous by Salah Uddin Sabuz

1 Answer

Ref. No. 1054/41-239

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

giving or taking bribe is Haram in Islamic Shariah. If he is qualified and eligible for the job, then his job is fine and salary is halal. And if he is not eligible and he got the job unjustly just owing to bribe, then it is not halal.

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

answered Aug 20, 2020 by Darul Ifta