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Hazrat Maulana Rafiuddin Deobandi (R. A.)

1867-1869, 1871-1888

Life and Services

The lauded Maulana was born in 1252/1836. He was one of the famous khalifahs of Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghani Mujaddidi. Though his academic ability was unexceptional, he had an exceptional knack for administrative affairs, possessing wonderful qualities in this regard. He was being counted amongst the perfect saints of his time. Twice he was appointed as the vice-chancellor of DaulUloom; first time in 1284/1867 and 1285/1868, when Haji Muhammad Abid went for Hajj, he officiated as vice-chancellor and then near three years later e was appointed permanently in 1288/1871 and served on this post till the beginning of 1306/1888. During his tenure of office Darul Uloom made much headway, which is considered to be the result of his efficient administration. It was axiomatic that administrative efficiency rarely combines with honesty and trustworthiness, but he possessed both these rare qualities in the highest degree. The total period of his administration is 19 years.

Construction of Nawdarah and His Dream

Most of the early buildings of Darul Uloom were constructed during his tenure of office. His architectural taste can be estimated from the buildings of that era, particularly the strength, solidity and beauty of construction of Nawdarah, etc. Amongst the buildings of DarulUloom the Nawdarah has within it a conspicuous dignity. It is well-known that when the building of the Nawdarah (which was the earliest among the existing buildings) was being laid, he saw a dream that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) was standing at the proposed site and was telling him that "this area is very small" and saying this, drew the area and map of the building with his auspicious staff and said: "Build it on these marks". Next morning when the Maulana got up and inspected the site, he found the marks intact. Accordingly, the foundation of the building was dug on the same marks and the construction was started.

Hazrat Maulana Mufti Azizur Rahman (d.1347/1928) had received khilafat from MaulanaRafiuddin. In 1306/1888, MaulanaRafiuddin went to the illuminated Madina with the intention of migration and went to glory there after two years, in 1308/1890, and was buried in the Jannatul-Baqee (name of a historical graveyard).