Admission Rules
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For New Students
- The Candidates (New students) must know that the Application Forms for admission in Fazilat (8-Year Degree Course), Hifz, and Tajweed are distributed from 3 to 5 Shawwal al-Mukarram. The forms are submitted till 5th of Shawwal al-Mukarram in the evening. No form shall be distributed or submitted afterward.
- Admission Test runs from 11to 16 Shawwal al-Mukarram. The new students coming for admission should take into account that the Application Forms will be available only up to 5th of Shawwal al-Mukarram.
- The new students are given admission only in Fazilat Course, Hifz and Tajweed courses.
- Having promoted the old students in the next classes, the available seats are allotted to the new students on merit basis after admission test.
- The applicants have to produce the contact numbers of the Muhtamim or Sadrul Mudarriseen of the Madrasa they came from so that their attached certificates can be verified.
- The candidates must attach the certificates of their previous education with the Admission Form.
- Candidates not having proper appearance like having improper haircut, trimming beard, letting trouser below ankle or doing anything against the traditions of Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband, would not be given permission to sit in the exam hall. Any student found guilty of cutting beard will be liable to be expelled.
- All old and new students of Arabic classes must be well-versed in Recitation of 30th Part of the Holy Quran with the articulation rules. They will also have to take the test of it in Annual Examination held by the institute.
- The candidates coming from border areas like Assam, Bengal, Tripura, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Sikim Mizoram, Manipur, Nepal and Kashmir etc shall have to submit in the original copy of nationality proof which will not be returned to the students. No respite shall be given in this regard.
- All the students have to submit their birth certificates too issued by municipal corporation board of town area or gram panchayat. The birth date should be written very carefully as it may not be modified later on at any cost. No changes shall be made in the address mentioned in the admission from.
- The students found guilty of entering wrong information in the addresses shall be liable to receive strictest action.
- The candidate must note that the graduation is not accepted below 18 years.
For Old Students
- All old students must arrive at Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband before 20th Shawwal al-Mukarram. On 21st and 22nd Shawwal they have to go through Proper Appearance checkup. The seats in the hostel are also allotted to the students in these dates only. The late comers would be deprived from seats in the hostel.
- The students having passed the annual examination would be promoted in the next classes.
- The students failed in two books of the year have to go through the test of those books. If they are failed again, they will be returned to the previous class; they can’t be promoted in the next class.
- The students failed in three books of the class can’t be promoted; they have to study in the previous class.
- The students failed in the 2/3 books of the year shall not be eligible to study more at the Institute even in the previous classes; they will be expelled for good.
- The students failed in any book in the Final Year (Dawrae Hadith Sharif) or any postgraduate courses have to sit for test of that very book only in Half-Yearly or Annual Examination.
- The students of Final Year of Degree Course have to memorize 30th Part of the Holy Quran with correct articulation. This test is necessary for obtaining certificates.
For Foreign Students
- The foreign students wiching to get admission in Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband can be given admission in the month of Shawwal and Zulqadah of each year. They have to pass Admission Test for the concerned class.
- The foreign students have to take study visa of one year from Indian embassy of their country for studying in Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband. Toursit visa holder cannot receive admission. The Xerox copy of passport and visa should be enclosed with the Application Form.
- In order to help students to obtain visa, Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband can only issue ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC). They have to submit an appliaction to the Faculty of Education for the same.
- It should be noted that the medium of instruction in Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband is Urdu language; therefore it is must for the foreign students to have a little bit Urdu knowledge.
- A photocopy of the necessary documents and testimonies will have to be submitted with the application for participation in the admission test while the original copy of them should be shown at the time of receiving Admission Form.
Courses Offered by Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband
(1) Hifz-e Quran: (only for students having local guardian)
(2) I'dadiah: (One Year course for students who completed Hifz or Nazirah)
(3) Fazilat Course:
This is 8 Year Undergraduate Course in Islamic Religious Sciences. The new students can be given admission at any stage of it after as per the prescribed rules.
(4) Tajweed, Urdu Hafs: (This is a Two-Year Tajweed Course. The candidates must be Hafize Quran, and must know the Urdu Language very well)
(5) Tajweed, Arabic Hafs: (This is One-Year Tajweed Course. The candidates must be Hafize Quran and have passed the Fazilat Course with 65% Marks)
(6) Qirat Sab'ah Urdu:
(7) Qirat Sab'ah Arabic (This is One-Year Qiraat Course. The candidates must be Hafize Quran and have learnt the Arabic Hafs before.
The courses mentioned below are only for old students who have completed Fazilat Course from Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband.
(8) Tafseer (On Year Special Course in Quranic Exegesis)
(9) Ifta (One Year Special Course in Islamic Jurisprudence - Fiqh)
(10) Arabic Adab (One Year Special Course in Arabic Literature)
(11) Hujjatul Islam Academy (One Year Research Program)
(12) Diploma in Computer Applications: (One Year Special course in computer applications)
For more details, read the Urdu version of the ‘Admission Rules’ or contact the Faculty of Education: Tel.: (+91) 1336-222652.
Issued by:
Faculty of Education (Ta’leemat)
Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband, India