Sometime i masturbate(i know its very bad) .When I bath I always feels that something is coming out from penis.After masturbation n after urinating,When i was bathing today i had a same feelings and pain,after bathing when i was washing my feet with towel on,i felt a sensation and feeling and in the private part and may be it was of urine or may be its was of remaining hot water on the body and when i look at the towel it was wet with water,maybe it is urine or maybe it was body's water.Is everything impure? I used the same towel after that to dry my face etc...is my house bedsheet furniture door etc all impure by my doubts?i dont know what to do
asked Dec 9, 2021 in Taharah (Purity) Ablution &Bath by Tabsheer Ansari

1 Answer

Ref. No. 1732/43-1431

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

Masturbation is Haram and forbidden, and such a person is cursed in Hadith. It causes all kinds of spiritual and physical ailments. Therefore, you have to truly repent from it immediately and do not repeat this action in future. It may affect your married life badly. Try to avoid it and pray to Allah Almighty and also give something in charity. To stay away from this habit, you can impose a pledge upon you in the case of failure, so that you won’t repeat the same and seek the help of Allah Almighty meanwhile.

After the semen comes out of the penis, the penis becomes loose and the sperm slowly comes out of it. Therefore, ghusl should not be taken immediately after ejaculation, there should be an interval of about half an hour so that whatever is in the urethra comes out, and then take a ghusl.

Pouring cold water on pubes, while bathing, also releases the remaining liquid in the urethra out of the organ.

If you do ghusl immediately after ejaculation, then it is probable that the substance comes out and gets on the towel etc. and hence the towel and the body became impure, so it is obligatory to wash it. And since the substance has come out of the organ after ghusl, ablution will also be obligatory. Moreover, the tip of the penis can be checked with the finger to see if the substance is still coming out or stopped and the liquid on the towel is water or semen. You can act according to your Dominant assumption.

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

answered Dec 18, 2021 by Darul Ifta