As salamo alaikum. I am an Imam of a Masjid. I want to ask that if I collect chanda of my or any other masjids and the committee gives me some percentage of commission in it, is it halal for me.
asked Dec 21, 2023 in Business & employment by abdul400

1 Answer

Ref. No. 2713/45-4215

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

It is not permissible to take commission on collecting donation, but if the committee of the masjid gives you some money as a reward for your hard work and dedication, it will be permissible to take it and the money is halal.

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband


answered Dec 23, 2023 by Darul Ifta